SDK: Consumer Enrollment

Know when your consumers want to sign up for Skipify


Make sure you read our Setting up the SDK section before proceeding!

It contains all of the setup work required before you can instantiate the Customer Enrollment SDK Feature

For a high-level explanation of the enrolling new users process, please check out Enrolling New Skipify Users

Enrollment Checkbox

The enrollment checkbox allows you to know when a consumer is opting in to sign up for a Skipify account during the Connected Checkout experience. It should be used in conjunction with the enrollCustomer function once the customer has submitted their order.

The following image shows an example of where you may want to place the checkbox on your guest checkout form:

Image showing the consumer enrollment checkbox on a website form

Rendering the Checkbox

You can insert Skipify's enrollment checkbox, Terms & Conditions, and Privacy notice by calling the render function. Pass in the enroll object with the id of the DOM element in which to place it, the default checkbox value, and an onChange callback function.

var shouldEnroll = true; // This variable is used in the logic for the "Enroll Customer Function" section below

new window.GoCartSDK.Button({
   orderDetailsCallback: ()=> {}, // Remember to include these (empty) required callbacks
   success: ()=> {},
   error: ()=> {},
   theme: 'light', // Optional; see below for additional details
   enroll: {
     id: 'gocart-enroll-container',
     defaultValue: true,
     onChange: (isChecked) => { 
       shouldEnroll = isChecked 


Best Practice!

Pre-check this box in order to allow your consumers to sign up for Skipify seamlessly as they pay

Checkbox Theme

The Skipify checkbox and user agreement is designed to match a light theme:

Image showing the Skipify checkbox light theme with a white background

It can also be set to match a dark theme by adding the optional 'theme' parameter and setting it to dark:

Image showing the Skipify checkbox dark theme with a black background

enrollCustomer function

If the checkbox is selected when the customer submits their order, you will need to call the enrollCustomer function. This will launch a modal that will handle enrolling the customer into Skipify using a one-time passcode (OTP) verification.

const submitOrder = () => {
  if (shouldEnroll) { // This references the variable in the code snippet from "Rendering the Checkbox"
    new window.GoCartSDK.enrollCustomer(customerInfo); // see subsections below for more details
  // Insert your checkout logic here

// @returns response from the API for account verification

Skipify will use the customerInfo that you pass into the enrollCustomer function to enroll a customer. The fields for customerInfo are listed below:

customerInfo Fields

firstNameNoStringCustomer's first name
lastNameNoStringCustomer's last name
phoneNumberYesStringThe number used for OTP verification
emailAddressYesStringCustomer's email to be associated with the account & phoneNumber for OTP
paymentMethodsYesArrayAn array of customer's credit/debit cards.

Note: The array may be empty
addressesYesArrayAn array of customer's addresses

Note: Skipify will only use the first address sent in the array

Example - If the first address (shipping) differs from the second address (billing), Skipify will ignore the second address.

The array may be empty

customerInfo Example

  "firstName": "string", // Optional
  "lastName": "string", // Optional
  "phoneNumber": "string",
  "emailAddress": "string",
  "paymentMethods": [ // Can be empty array
      "nickName": "string", // Optional
      "fullnameCard": "string",
      "cardNumber": "string",
      "expMonth": 0,
      "expYear": 0
  "addresses": [ // Can be empty array
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "company": "string", // Optional
      "address1": "string",
      "address2": "string", // Optional
      "city": "string",
      "state": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "zip": "string",
      "phoneNumber": "string" // Optional

Skipify baner with link to contact us form