Skipify Features

Skipify Supports all of the most common Payment Features and Functionality to support check out your way


Skipify supports Network Tokenization to allow for flexibility across several different payment service providers and gateways. Skipify is a Certified PCI Level 1 Service Provider and SOC-2 Compliant.


Skipify supports Surcharging fees via a merchant account configuration. This allows a flat or percentage based fee to automatically be added to a customer's order total when they are paying with an eligible card. Skipify handles a BIN lookup when a Shopper chooses a card in the wallet to confirm whether or not a surcharge can be applied to that card.

As a merchant, there are surcharging rules and registration requirements to become familiar with. Please confirm with your payment service provider and/or legal council to confirm surcharging capability and settings for your merchant account.

Here are some materials to review on Surcharging from Visa and Mastercard.

If you are creating merchant accounts via API, you can find documentation for enabling this on your merchant accounts here. Otherwise, please work with your Skipify Implementation Engineer to enable this for your account(s).

Here is how Surcharging Fees are enabled in the Skipify Merchant Portal:

When a Shopper is checking out with a card type that allows surcharging, Skipify adds the fee as a separate line item and calculates the Total for you:

General Fees

Skipify supports additional "General" fees via a merchant account configuration. This allows for a flat or percentage based fee to automatically be added to a customer's order total, with a description you choose. This will be added to the total base amount of the transaction to be sent to the payment service provider.

If you are creating merchant accounts via API, you can find documentation for enabling this on your merchant accounts here. Otherwise, please work with your Skipify Implementation Engineer to enable this for your account(s).

Here is how General Fees are enabled in the Skipify Merchant Portal:

When a Shopper is checking out when General Fees have been added - Skipify adds the fee as a separate line item and calculates the new total for you.

Level 2 and Level 3 Processing

Skipify supports the capability to include additional line items details to qualify for lower interchange rates for certain cards and certain merchants. Level 2 and Level 3 processing includes several additional fields we can submit to your Payment Service Provider with transactions as long as you pass them to us on the front end.

Below is a table with a list of the additional fields for transactions with Level 2 and Level 3 data. This data is passed from the merchant using the Skipify SDK via the SDK Callbacks.

Level 2taxDetailsTax amount for the order
Level 2merchantRefMerchant unique Invoice#
Level 3discountAmountAny discounts applied for the order
Level 3shippingAmountTotal Shipping amount for the order
Level 3shipFromZipCodeThe ZipCode from which the order is being shipped
Level 3destinationCountryCodeShipping address (handled by Skipify)
Level 3destinationZipCodeShipping address (handled by Skipify)
Level 3destinationStateCodeShipping address (handled by Skipify)
Level 3item.titleName of the Item being purchased
Level 3item.descriptionDescription of the Item being purchased
Level 3item.pricePrice of individual item
Level 3item.quantityQuantity of item being purchased
Level 3item.totalTotal amount of items being purchased
Level 3item.productCodeMerchant's Product Code for Item
Level 3item.CommodityCodeCommodity Code for Item - examples
Level 3item.uomUnit of Measure for Item i.e - Ea, Lb, etc.
Level 3item.productTypeProduct Type of Item i.e.

Please work with your Skipify Implementation Engineer for more information or to enable this for your account(s).

Partial Authorizations

Skipify offers the capability to support Partial Authorization to increase authorization rates on prepaid cards when the requested amount exceeds the balance on the card, the transaction will still be approved, prompting the shopper for an additional form of payment to satisfy the additional balance due. When there is a partial authorization, you will be notified via the Skipify Webhook via the 'isPartial' boolean parameter:

Please work with your Skipify Implementation Engineer for more information or to enable this for your account(s).

Split Payments

Skipify allows for consumer choice to split a payment between multiple payment cards, further increasing Authorization Rates and reducing checkout abandonment.

Here is a visual of a Shopper's view when splitting their payment between two cards:

Please work with your Skipify Implementation Engineer for more information or to enable this for your account(s).