Learn how to configure your branding
The Branding Page
The Branding page allows you to customize your display name, select a brand color, and upload a logo.
- Select the location you want to configure from the dropdown menu
- Navigate to the Branding page by selecting it from the Overview tab or from the navigation menu

The Branding Page contains three options that allow you to customize the experience for your customers:
Display Name
This field controls how your company name will be displayed within PayLinks and the wallet.

Brand Color
This field allows you to set a custom color to match your brand. You can pick a color from the built-in selector or enter a HEX or RGB value. You may also configure the opacity using the slider.

Use this field to upload a custom logo. Acceptable formats are PNG and JPEG with sizes not exceeding 148x148 px.
Best Practice
For best results, your logo file should be on a transparent background

Updated 19 days ago
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