Cancel / Void Order

Learn how to cancel orders where funds have been authorized, but not captured


Use the Cancel/Void Order endpoint to cancel orders where funds have been authorized, but not settled.


This endpoint uses HMAC with SHA-256

Check out our API Authentication section to learn more

To cancel an order, send an API call to:

Staging: POST{orderId}/cancel

Production: POST{orderId}/cancel

API Response

Response Body Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
orderIdstringThe Skipify order id
merchantIdstringThe Skipify Merchant identifier
transactionIdstringThe Skipify transaction identifier
statusstringAllowed Values = Cancelled, Failed
messagestring, nullableThis message will be populated if there was an error processing the cancel

Response Body Example

  "orderId": "string",
  "merchantId": "string",
  "transactionId": "string",
  "status": "Cancelled",
  "message": "string"

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