Create Merchant Configs - Payments

Use these endpoints to set Payments & Processing configurations.


This endpoint uses HMAC with SHA-256

Check out our API Authentication section to learn more

To Add Merchant Configurations to a Skipify Merchant Account, send an API call to:

Staging: POST{MerchantId}/configs

Production: POST{MerchantId}/configs

Create Settlement Type Config

Request Body Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription/Value
valueyesstringSale or AuthCapture^

^Note - Setting Settlement type to 'AuthCapture', requires you to Capture/Finalize/Settle transactions directly with your PSP. Skipify will Authorize transactions only. Please confirm which configuration you should be using with your Skipify Implementation Engineer.

Request Body Example

    "name": "SETTLEMENT_TYPE",
    "enabled": true,
    "value": "string" //Sale or AuthCapture

API Response

Response Body Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
orderIdstringThe Skipify order id
merchantIdstringThe Skipify Merchant identifier
amountintegerThe amount captured
transactionIdstringThe Skipify transaction identifier
statusstringAllowed Values = Captured, PartialCaptured, Failed
messagestring, nullableThis message will be populated if there was an error processing the capture

Response Body Example

 "configs": [
            "merchantId": "09c209c9-7492-4302-ac47-788a4621b63c",
            "name": "SETTLEMENT_TYPE",
            "value": "Sale",
            "type": "payment",
            "enabled": true,
            "configId": "61d70c67-1da0-4936-b739-fd1f1a295674",
            "createdAt": "2024-11-05T18:41:37.136Z",
            "updatedAt": "2024-11-05T18:41:37.136Z"

Create Non Accepted Card Brands Config

Request Body Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription/Value
valuenoarraySend Card Brands merchant is not accepting in an array

Note* - This Configuration only needs to be set if a Merchant is not accepting one of the major 4 card brands, i.e. Amex. All Card Brands will be enabled by Default.

Request Body Example

    "enabled": true,
  		"nonAcceptedCardBrands": ["Amex"] // Optional Defaults to empty array and can contain amex, visa, mastercard, discover

API Response

Response Body Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
merchantIdstringThe Skipify Merchant Identifier
namestringThe Name of the Configuration
valuebooleanThe Value of the Configuration
typestring, nullableThe Type of configuration if applicable
enabledbooleanThe current status of the configuration
schemaversionintegerThe version of the schema
isDeletedbooleanIs this configuration active or not
_idstringThe id of this request
configIdstringthe Id of this configuration
createdAtstring, dateTimeThe created date/time for this configuration
updatedAtstring, dateTimeThe date/time this configuration was last updated

Response Body Example

    "merchantId": "64803324-ac67-46ba-923b-84478aabbe04",
    "value": true,
    "type": null,
    "enabled": true,
    "schemaVersion": 1,
    "isDeleted": false,
    "_id": "6629912f57a5baff9a648ad9",
    "configId": "baf97d1c-4ffb-4642-8a26-658124984b1d",
    "createdAt": "2024-04-24T23:09:35.330Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-04-24T23:09:35.330Z",
    "__v": 0

Create AVS Decline Config

Request Body Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription/Value
valueyesbooleanSend Card Brands merchant is not accepting in an array

Note* - This Configuration only needs to be set if a Merchant is not accepting one of the major 4 card brands, i.e. Amex. All Card Brands will be enabled by Default.

Request Body Example

    "name": "AVS_DECLINE",
    "enabled": true,
    "value": true

API Response

Response Body Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
merchantIdstringThe Skipify Merchant Identifier
namestringThe Name of the Configuration
valuebooleanThe Value of the Configuration
typestring, nullableThe Type of configuration if applicable
enabledbooleanThe current status of the configuration
schemaversionintegerThe version of the schema
isDeletedbooleanIs this configuration active or not
_idstringThe id of this request
configIdstringthe Id of this configuratoin
createdAtstring, dateTimeThe created date/time for this configuration
updatedAtstring, dateTimeThe date/time this configuration was last updated

Response Body Example

    "merchantId": "string",
    "name": "AVS_DECLINE",
    "value": true,
    "type": null,
    "enabled": true,
    "schemaVersion": 1,
    "isDeleted": false,
    "_id": "string",
    "configId": "string",
    "createdAt": "2024-04-24T23:24:36.479Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-04-24T23:24:36.479Z",
    "__v": 0