Skipify's Commerce Identity Cloud streamlines the entire checkout process by instantly connecting shoppers with their payment options, rewards, and points. That means fewer abandoned carts and a better experience for everyone.
How does it work?
Skipify partners with American Express, Synchrony, Visa and the largest financial institutions to bring payment methods directly into the merchant's checkout page when they are using our Commerce Identity Cloud platform.
Now shoppers can instantly access their payment methods without going through a standard checkout.
Merchants simply integrate the Skipify SDK to use Email Lookup
or Skipify Button
Recognized Skipify shoppers securely complete their purchase through the Commerce Identity Cloud experience, mimicking the experience of a logged in shopper.
Shoppers new to the Skipify ecosystem have the option to save their info and payment methods for faster checkouts anywhere that accepts Skipify.
Email Lookup
Enables Skipify to recognize shoppers behind the scenes on the existing checkout’s email field.
Skipify Button
Is a co-branded button that allows its Shoppers to fly through checkout with no disruption to the payment.
Updated 9 days ago