Create and Update External Credentials


This is the second step for Merchant Onboarding.

Create External Credentials allows you to assign a Merchant's PSP credentials to the Skipify account you created.

*The request will have different parameters in the request body for each PSP. Please work with your Skipify Implementation Engineer to review the documentation for the specific PSP for your accounts.


This endpoint uses HMAC with SHA-256

Check out our API Authentication section to learn more

To Add External Credentials to a Skipify Merchant Account, send an API call to:

Staging: POST

Production: POST

Request Body Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription
merchantIdyesstringThe MerchantId for the merchant you are assigning credentials to
credentialTypeyesstringThe type of credential being assigned, for this use case the value is Payment
systemOfOriginyesstringThe PSP system of Origin the credentials belong to. i.e. - Express
datayesobjectan object containing the PSP credentials' parameters

Request Body Example

    "merchantId": "string",
    "credentialType": "payment",
    "systemOfOrigin": "string",
    "data": {
        "credentialName1": "string",
        "credentialName2": "string",
        "...": "string",
        "...": "string"

API Response

Response Body Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription/Value
merchantIdstringThe Skipify Merchant identifier
systemOfOriginstringThe PSP platform for these credentials
dataobjectAn object containing the credentials set
schemaVersionintegerThe version of this schema
isDeletedstring, nullableThis message will be populated if there was an error processing the capture
__idstringThe ID of this request
credentialIdstringThe ID of this Credential
createdAtstring, dateTimeThe created date/time for this credential
updatedAtstring, dateTimeThe update date/time for this credential

Response Body Example

    "merchantId": "string",
    "credentialType": "payment",
    "systemOfOrigin": "string",
    "data": {
			  "credentialName1": "string",
        "credentialName2": "string",
        "...": "string",
        "...": "string"
    "schemaVersion": 1,
    "isDeleted": false,
    "_id": "string",
    "credentialId": "string",
    "createdAt": "2024-05-03T16:32:07.425Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-05-03T16:32:07.425Z",
    "__v": 0

Update Default Credential **Important - this is required to enable the newly created payment credential


This endpoint uses HMAC with SHA-256

Check out our API Authentication section to learn more

To Activate External Payment Credentials to a Skipify Merchant Account, send an API call to:

Staging: PATCH <{merchantId}/external-credentials

Production: PATCH <{merchantId}/external-credentials

Request Body Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredTypeDescription
paymentyesstringThe CredentialID of the payment credential you just created

Request Body Example

"payment": "string"

API Response

Response Body Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription/Value
paymentstringThe Credential ID that was updated to the default

Response Body Example

    "payment": "string"