Capture Order


The Capture Order endpoint allows you to capture payments from authorized orders. You can specify the exact amount to be collected and track whether the capture process has been completed.

API Request


This endpoint uses MAC with SHA-256

Please read our API Authentication section to ensure you are crafting your request properly.

The capture amount (captureAmount) can be specified, but If no amount is specified, Skipify will capture 100% of authorized funds. If an amount is specified, a parameter specifying whether or not the order is completed (completeOrder) must also be included.

It is possible to process multiple captures until the full amount of the order is captured or completeOrder is set to true. When a partial capture is performed (i.e. the captureAmount is less than the original total and completeOrder is set to false), a new authorization is performed for the remaining amount of the order so that the funds can be captured at a later time.

To Capture an order, send an API call to:

POST {{baseURL}}/orders/{{orderId}}/capture

Request Body Parameters

captureAmountNointegerAmount to capture, in cents (ex: 5000 corresponds to $50).
completeOrderYes, only if captureAmount is specifiedbooleanTrue indicates you have no intention to capture additional funds, whereas false indicates that you will capture additional funds from this order in the future.
subtotalNointegerStrictly for reporting purposes and has no effect on funds captured
taxNointegerStrictly for reporting purposes and has no effect on funds captured
shippingNointegerStrictly for reporting purposes and has no effect on funds captured
orderDescriptionNostringStrictly for reporting purposes and has no effect on funds captured

Request Body Example

  "subtotal": 5000, // $50.00
  "tax": 300, // $3.00
  "shipping": 500, // $5.00
  "orderDescription": "string",
  "captureAmount": 5800, // $ 58.00
  "completeOrder": boolean // True or False

API Response

Response Body Parameters

Response ParameterTypeDescription
statusstringSuccess or Failure
errorCodestring, nullableError code from the payment gateway if failure occurs
gatewayTransactionIdstring, nullableThe Transaction ID received from the payment gateway
gatewayResponsestring, nullableRaw response from the payment gateway. We share this with you in case you need to contact the gateway directly
newAuthorizationTransactionIdstring, nullableThe Transaction ID received from the payment gateway for the new authorization if completeOrder on the request was sent as false
newAuthorizationNetworkTransactionIdstring, nullableThe Card Network ID received from the payment gateway for the new authorization if completeOrder on the request was sent as false
gatewayResponseAuthstring, nullableRaw response from the payment gateway for the new authorization if completeOrder on the request was sent as false

Response Body Example

  "status": "string",
  "errorCode": "string",
  "gatewayTransactionId": "string",
  "gatewayResponse": "string",
  // Below fields are NULL if CompleteOrder flag on request is set to false
  "newAuthorizationTransactionId": "string",
  "newAuthorizationNetworkTransactionId": "string",
  "gatewayResponseAuth": "string",


API Reference

Check out our API Reference to learn more

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